Saturday 5 November 2011


In fact not only I but every single creature in this world is self made. God gave us this life we mould this, we make this we redo this life according to our wish. If I wanted to be happy I will think happy thoughts and there I am. It is we who make our way to success and happiness. God gave us very important thing i.e. the “POWER OF THINKING”. It can be both positive as well as negative, but the propensity of positive thinking should always be kept high in order to keep these negative thoughts away from life. But easy to speak difficult to perform as it is human tendency to get negative thoughts easily strange but true  the thoughts which give us pain is entertained more so to make oneself a happy one should think positive and for this following steps could lead to positive thinking :
·         Deliberately think and speak hopefully about everything and feel the energy which has been created.
·         Meet with people who always talk of motivational thought, read books and articles which tell you to live your life in a happy manner. This will be a good healthy food for your mind.
·         When after many attempts also you fail and negative thought is bound to come just hush it away. Try to divert your mind immediately to things, thoughts, activity which give peace and pleasure to your mind.
·          And lastly just have faith in God. Having this sole faith alone can turn many of your bad works into a miracle achievement.
 Happy “SELF MAKING” with the blessings of God. . . J

Wednesday 12 October 2011


Why I am an unloved personality, Why my love doesn’t love me, Why bad luck always follow me, Why my friend betrays me, Why  Why   Why……………. There are so many questions that we want to be answered, we ask it from everyone our parents, friends, teachers, siblings, counselor and even God but the one person whom we never approach for our questions is “ OURSELF”. Answer to all these questions lie within us we just need time to introspect  and trust ourselves to be answered correctly instead running after every second person to finish our misery who give different answers and suggestions leading to move questions  to be answered. This reminds me of a story in which a deer who always run after beautiful smell or aroma that drives him crazy, to find the source of smell he runs and search the whole forest but to no use, why, because the beautiful smell for which he is running lies within him near his stomach same way answers to our questions lie within us it’s just we had to ask these questions specifically to ourselves.